Set personal goals for each employee
Employee performance directly impacts the results obtained by a company, so if members of your team perform an incredible job, the company stagnates.
Employee performance directly impacts the results obtained by a company, so if members of your team perform an incredible job, the business progresses; by contrast, if employees perform poorly, the company stagnates.Against this background, it is always difficult to know whether the members of your team who are not performing well will be reflected in the scope of the goals set. Therefore, we suggest setting goals and metrics to evaluate to each employee.With this practice, each worker will know what works and where to go, while the results arising from performance measurement helps you both know if they are on track.As we know, setting goals and metrics is not a simple process, so we share some recommendations for you to overcome this process within your company.
Ask them to set their goals
This simple exercise will motivate your employees, since they are the ones who must define the objectives to be achieved while working in your company.To overcome this step, we recommend you speak to your whole team, and ask them to set each of their goals. Then you must evaluate these objectives and approve or modify them if necessary.
Realistic goals
Once you start to review the objectives proposed by each worker, it is necessary that you are sure that each member of your team maintains control over the possibility of achieving their goals or not.This is done in order not to promise things that cannot be met, either by lack of resources, or because they are out of reach or relies on a third party.
Think in the short term
Your employees must set monthly goals; so you should consider scheduling regular meetings to discuss the results that have been achieved.For that reason, it is important that measurable objectives are established with clear methods. Otherwise, you and your team will not know whether they have been met, which may affect their motivation and lower morale.
Drive the group recognition
Gather your team together in a group at the beginning of each month. At this meeting, each team member must set out the goals reached last month, what their performance was and what their goals are for the next month.Such meetings provide positive feedback and collaboration. This will make the team improve their performance, and in so doing, will obtain the satisfaction to share it with the rest of the team.
Define goals when necessary
For some departments of your company, such as the sales area, the objectives are easy to develop. In other places, it can be a challenge because they are not entirely obvious or quantifiable.To overcome this situation, you must think of the ideal scenario in which the person would do excellent work that contributes to the good of the company.By aligning business goals with employees, and providing real-time visibility, it will enable them to know their progress, from which both your company and your workforce will benefit.
Study your competition and achieve more
In general terms, companies will have to beat their competition on their way to success; to do whatever is in their power to woo users to make a difference.
Companies are not isolated agents, but economic entities affiliated to a full stakeholder environment. In this category, they are included alongside other businesses which, based on similar characteristics or diametrically opposite features, seek to keep consumer preference. In general terms, companies will have to beat their competition on their way to success; to do whatever is in their power to woo users and make a difference in the market.It is therefore essential that new owners understand that the evolution of their business depends not only on creating an attractive product, but that it is sufficiently different and helpful to leave an indelible mark in the minds of customers.For this to happen, corporate leaders, far from shunning competition, should think carefully about what their opponents are doing. Depending on that analysis, you can then design and implement an action plan that allows you to catch the public who are interested before anyone else.Experts in business development and marketing, point that every business leader in the making must study their business opponents. Here we explain in detail:1. Preliminary study. First of all, you should clearly define who your competitors are, for example: if you have a company dedicated to the production of glue, you cannot make a comparison with a restaurant. Your mission is to identify those who can take away customers or at least compete for them.2. Similarities. Look to provide products and services that could be confused with yours and make them look even better. If there are similar products or services, it is essential that the characteristics of your offer reflects added value. Remember that with similarities, the differentiating factor is the key to beating competitors.3. Marketing strategies. Have you thought about analysing communication channels using your opponents to spread their products? Do you know what is said about them in the traditional media and digital channels? Do you know what marketing strategies they used to woo their customers? Resolving these questions are essential to obtaining information that can compare with your market related actions. This will help you find the best ways to promote what you do and capture public attention.4. Digital-Mobile Presence. It is also essential that you analyse your own online presence. Do you have a website or a blog? Do you have profiles on Social Media? What kind of content is generated? Do you have a virtual shop? Do you accept payments by credit card or debit? Have you got feature Apps as mobile payment? The data emanating from these questions will help you visualise areas of opportunity that should be explored to get you on top of your industry.
Inventory management - a key operation in the development of SMEs
Inventory management is an operation that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should not exclude from its sales strategy if you want to generate profits.
Inventory management is an operation that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should not exclude from its sales strategy if you want to generate profits and avoid economic losses.Inventory management is the efficient handling of raw materials, manufacturing phase items and finished products. This process requires the involvement of the entire corporate structure, in order to perform specific actions and to facilitate proper handling of the goods.Here are the kinds of tasks that each corporate division must run to meet that goal:
1. Procurement
This sector is responsible for relations with suppliers. The duties are:a) Check the availability of delivery agents by type of manufactured item.b) Manage the delivery time of the requested orders.c) Negotiate the price of inputs.d) To process credit with suppliers and define their terms.e) Report the difference between the prices of inputs to cash and credit.2. ProductionThe request for purposes of inventory management is to provide information on the number of items that can be manufactured every day and spending inputs required for that process. This area is also responsible for recommending the use of racks or shelves for storage of merchandise.
3. Storage
This segment must be designed and the necessary space to store supplies and products to be installed, depending on the goals and production requirements.
4. Finance and Accounting
The objectives of this department are:a) Valuing inventory, determining production costs and defining sales prices.b) Determining the prices of finished goods on credit.c) Assess the availability of resources to purchase inputs and store all types of inventories.d) Define the right time to hire financial solutions such as Credit Card Working Capital, designed to meet operational needs as inventory management.e) Calculate inventory turnover and create strategies for managing surplus or missing supplies.f) To establish the balance between revenues and expenditures associated with the handling of goods.
5. Administration
This division is responsible for plotting escape routes to the unexpected, such as the absence of a supplier, the lack of key inputs, production equipment failure, reduction or the occasional increase in productive capacity.
6. Sales
This department is responsible for establishing direct contact with consumers and implementing strategies for placing manufactured products and even agree to acquire items in progress.Read more helpful and insightful articles brought to you by Robert Carter from Your Virtual Office London on our startup and business blog.
Optimise your business expenses
Subscribing strategic alliances with productive agents and exploring new markets. Companies even work on enticing customers while optimizing business expenses.
Subscribing strategic alliances with other productive agents and exploring new markets are tasks that require employers to move from one place to another. There is a phrase in popular culture: "If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain." In relation, corporate leaders must make numerous trips to extend the scope of their customer base while optimizing business expenses.This dynamic represents certain costs, which can increase or decrease depending on two key concepts:
Financial discipline
Employers should be prepared to settle expenses directly related to their business and especially these three areas: transport, accommodation and food. But they also have to be ready to solve unforeseen circumstances during this journey; therefore, they must have sufficient financial freedom, that is, the ability to meet needs and to make the trip run smoothly.However, the fact that entrepreneurs possess surplus capital to meet the requirements inherent in these movements does not mean you can spend the available resources at will. At this point, the financial discipline becomes important.Men and women in business should understand that their movements are due to corporate objectives and not to holiday purposes. Thus, any excess or personal spending will have to be discarded, except that there are unique resources for it. Therefore, operating in the opposite direction could generate financial irregularities in the company.
To avoid such a scenario, there are these tips to entrepreneurs:
1. Plan trips in advance. Preparing shipments well in advance is essential to optimise costs. This involves exploring all alternatives in transportation, room and board, so shop around and check out promotions.2. Research destinations. Before traveling, employers should familiarise themselves with the places visited. It is essential to inquire about customs, habits and living costs.3. Differentiate costs. Employers must make a clear distinction between personal and corporate resources to rule out any possibility of financial turmoil. Specialists explain that the market has financial instruments that can help them serve this purpose, specifically, business cards. With a debit card, for example, they can afford the costs of their travel safely and accurately, while maintaining the line between the capital of the business and individual.4. Employers must reflect on what expenses are essential in a business trip and what contingencies they may face accordingly, they must establish the ceiling of capital use. They should remember that personal outlays come at their own expense.For any business, access to finance becomes a highly positive tool; especially if such funding means having an accessible means for consolidation and growth support to help you keep up and seize the opportunities within their productive activity.It is important to remember that making a good approach is essential to gaining access to credit.A largely positive response from a bank to grant a loan depends on the employer knowing how to clearly communicate its purpose, the potential of their business, the effectiveness of its infrastructure, as well as the positive results. In short, make your business viable.Enjoying credit is definitely a well-earned privilege. To properly size and assess affordability elements (flow and solvency); generated profit (profitability); operation and collection efficiencies (liquidity); evaluation of real business needs (present and future); and analyse the proper performance of its obligations, employers can optimally determine their credit requirements and translate them in amount, term, destination and use of the loan, using conditions that suit their capabilities and plans.The more experience you have with a business loan, the greater the opportunities for financing. Remember that the history of the company is recorded in the credit information, so having good references is essential to obtaining any financing.
How to get investors on board
The capital of a company is one of the first things that you must obtain to crystallise your dream of starting business. It also important to attract investors.
The capital of a company is one of the first things that you must obtain to crystallise your dream of opening a business. Therefore, it is important to know how to attract investors to your start-up.The creator of iRobot, Rodney Brooks, had the idea of building a low-cost robot that could collaborate with workers in a safe, intelligent, low-cost way for companies who purchase the invention.It may only be an idea, but Brooks made an analogy between computers and robots with the argument that the adoption of worker robots would be similar to the introduction of personal computers in workplaces. This would result in higher office efficiency, more productivity and more jobs. This is why investors gave him $62 million to fund its start-up.So that your business idea has the support of more investors, we share a list of tips to help you create a connection with them.
Talk to the right people
The first step is to understand the interests of each investor, so we suggest you investigate your potential investors before talking to them about the ideas you have.This step will help you know if your company can adapt to and will thrive in the investment industry.
Create contacts
Once you determine who may be interested in investing in your business, you should look at ways in which the manager of one of the start-ups can present you with the investor.
Make a presentation
This refers to when you agree to an interview with the prospective investor and make a presentation that will tell your story in non-technical terms. In the presentation, you should talk about your team, the opportunity in the market, the need for the product, its value to the customer, your position against competition, how much capital you require to create the company and have a financial plan to present also.
Acknowledge your areas of opportunity
During the interview with the potential investor you must be honest in answering each of the questions you ask. If you do not have an answer, you should admit it and not lie about something you know about.
Listen carefully
It is possible that in the first meetings with potential investors, you fail to capture the interest of any of them; however, you should not discard the tips that they share.The best practice in such cases is to listen to feedback, absorb information and tailor your pitch.If you enjoyed this blog from Your Virtual Office London you can read more business tips and advice in our startup blog.
Advertising: The most common errors
Advertising is a factor that helps companies to position their brands on the market. For this, it is necessary to identify the sector that will be addressed.
Advertising is a factor that helps companies to position their brands on the market. To make this possible, it is necessary to identify the sector that will be addressed, how well it will perform, as well as the duration and knowing what is the competition, among other factors.To make a successful ad campaign, you need to customise it according to the audience you want to reach. In this way, there will be immediate identification with it, which will ensure a good brand positioning.However, sometimes the audience does not identify with advertising messages that are released to the market, leading the campaign to not yield the expected results.To prevent this from happening to your company's products and to make sure the promotion is successful.
8 Different Advertising methods
- Online Advertising
- Newspaper Ads
- Radio Advertising
- Television Advertising
- Public Speaking
- Door Hangers and Flyers
- Event Sponsorship
- Word-of-Mouth Advertising
6 tips for an advertising campaign
- Before starting your planning, it is necessary to know in detail the brand and the product that will be positioned in the market; find out who are the main consumers, think of messages that suit them etc.
- During the creative process, think about an idea that suits different communication channels; if your concept is different in each medium, it will be difficult for the audience to understand that this is the same campaign or the same product.
- Setting goals is essential for brand an advertising campaign. These could be: win customers, market identification, make the product memorable, etc.
- Make a preliminary investigation of the location where you will place the ads, because it can determine the level of impact and scope that the audience has. Also take into account that there are media tactics, which can be of low investment such as the Internet or radio that the campaign can operate through satisfactorily.
- Monitor the responses of the audience, as this is key to understanding its impact among consumers. Use analysis tools depending on the environment in which the message is spread.
- Finally, never forget that advertising is a comprehensive set of strategies which if applied correctly will ensure the success or positioning of a product or brand on the market.
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Actions to prevent brain drain in your business
Workers today are constantly looking for new challenges and professional growth. A large percentage of turnover in a business may lead to loss of talent.
Workers today are constantly looking for new challenges and professional growth, a situation that generates a large percentage of turnover in a business and therefore the loss of talent within them.To avoid this situation, the HR manager must locate those people who always confer an added value to their work and are committed to the company, to reward them. Such incentives do not always have to be economic, as companies are not always in sound financial times; however, a company can implement the following activities to motivate and retain staff:
- Flexible work schedules: What employee would not want a better balance between work and personal life? Today, this desire is one of the most popular. Allowing employees to work one day a week from home can be very motivating.
- Professional Development Programs: This is when a worker receives an evolution in their professional growth activities and reaffirms their commitment to the company. Offering relevant training to update their knowledge is a great option.
- Time to engage in projects of interest: Allowing employees to occupy 20% of their working time on projects that appeal to them and have nothing to do with their regular duties. Various innovative products have emerged from this line of working.
- Entertainment programs: An environment that allows distraction from the stress and workload encourages creativity and a sense of wellbeing. Therefore, recreation rooms are a great ally for employees.
- Rest days: These are not the same as annual leave to which the employee is entitled by law. A day off as a reward for a great result or effort is healthy and well received by workers.
- Activities outside the office. In addition to promoting integration, leaving the usual place of work refreshes the working environment. It will be an action that will stay long in the minds of people and can differentiate your company from others.
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Enhance your company with a good work environment
Today, work environment has changed and it is increasingly common for teams in a company to collaborate in new ways. This way employees become more productive.
Today, work environment has changed and it is increasingly common for teams within a company to collaborate in new ways. This helps employees subjected to high amounts of stress to create and implement different things.According to experts, currently for a company to be successful, there is a need for innovation; however, the fact that their workers are not creative could stop their growth.Fortunately there are techniques that help improve the mood and performance of workers, which are directly related to fun, because when a person enjoys their work, they turnabout proposing new things.To do this, companies must make their employees feel confident to innovate and create fun in their environments.
- In the market there are already companies that do not require their workers to abide to a set schedule to work; i.e., they do not start and finish at rigid times every day, but are left to organise their time to work as they see fit, in order to meet their objectives.
- There are also companies that offer their workers a playroom in order to enable them to overcome stress and thus coexist with each other to achieve and establish new projects.
- Another way to achieve a friendly atmosphere is decorating the office with bright colours and funny pictures, in common areas where everyone can see them.
- The HR department from time to time should implement some dynamic activity with all members of the company, as this will be vital to promote integration and creativity of workers.
Remember that the conduct in meetings where all your employees participate could enhance the sense of teamwork, generating an atmosphere of trust where you can be more fun and so innovative.Your Virtual Office London are experts in helping start-ups become successful. A new business needs a lot of support to help it to reach its maximum potential, Your Virtual Office London provide mail forwarding address services including registered office address services, directors service address and telephone answering services.According to Fortune many businesses are ditching the normal office replacing it with a virtual office. This has huge benefits which include a large reduction of overheads which include office rent, full time staff pay and associated accounting and insurance fees.
A good image can gain you more clients
It`s important that business owners and investors always keep a good image, since in many cases this may be a determining factor of doing business.
Every day entrepreneurs have to meet face to face with customers, suppliers or investors in order to maintain or grow their business. It`s important they should always keep a good image, since in many cases this may be a determining factor of doing business.The question is: how many times have you made judgments of a person just by their appearance? The personal image of someone can project confidence and trust, which often leaves those who don`t care about image out of business.Here are some tips on how to leave a positive impact on those around you through your image.
- One of the first things is to keep your clothes ironed and in excellent condition, as this will denote how careful and dedicated you are, and therefore with everything around you.
- Shoes are also a critical piece of outer wear for anyone, so make sure they are clean, shined and in excellent condition; if the heel or sole of the shoe is worn, send it to repair as soon as possible.
- Accessories are a fundamental part for a business role model, so it is recommended that they are of a decent and presentable quality.
- If you wear glasses, remember that they represent much of your personality; however, the most important aspect is that you go to a specialist to advise you with the kind of face you have and choose the glasses with which you feel most comfortable.
- Moreover, a black jacket is a basic item for most business owners, as this combines well with almost any clothing; it is a very versatile garment for both men and women.
- Men should be aware of facial hair, to keep this tidy and well managed. This reflects well on those making first impressions.
- Finally, never forget that what matters most is to gain trust from your customers and to show a good attitude about everything.
Use mobile messaging apps to diversify your business
In the world in which we live, full of speed and an infinite need to be in constant communication, mobile messaging apps are gaining grounds.
In the world in which we live, full of speed and an infinite need to be in constant communication, a market that is gaining ground every day has come in the form of mobile messaging apps (applications).This sector has experienced a sharp growth in the area of mobile apps, and is therefore where a potentially multibillion-dollar market for developers who choose to engage in this type of business arises.Today services like WhatsApp, iMessage, Line, Viber, Facebook Messenger or Skype account for the majority of mobile messaging market in the world. For this reason this market is expected to continue to grow over time, so if you are interested in investing in this area then we give you some options that will leave you to make money with this system:
Stickers or emoticons sponsored by brands
To be known and reach more users, many brands have taken on the task of creating stickers or emoticons for use on a mobile messaging service, these no cost to users either.
Souvenirs and toys
Try to get your pets, souvenirs or virtual Toys to be traded physically, it may make you earn a lot of extra money to your mobile messaging services.
Charge for use
Perhaps the least liked by users, this option can be useful for your mobile app. It is to charge a fixed monthly or yearly fee for the use of mobile messaging service. Just be careful with this option because unless your service is the market leader, users will go to the competition.
Collection of stickers and emoticons
You can create two types of stickers and emoticons on your mobile messaging service, free or paid; with the paid option, usually the design or animation makes them unique for users, giving them a greater sense of value.
Selling advertising
This option is also a bit annoying for users because from time to time a number of messages may appear in a small window or completely fill the user's screen with advertising for any brand, event or other application, either from the same creator mobile messaging service or other developers to pay for it. However, for many companies it will work very effectively.