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Useful advice, tips and business news.

August 19, 2015
May 5, 2021


10 important points to follow when creating your business card

What key points should a business card have on it to be effective and original? Here are 10 key points that should help you know about this in full detail.

Many people do not give importance to this simple piece of card, thinking that it doesn't pay much attention to detail or lacks impact to be useful - wrong! So, what key points should a business card have on it to be effective and original?Here are 10 key points that should help with this:

1. Watch the design.

Before anything, get a pen and paper and broadly design your card. Record the information you want; include the colours of the letters and the background and if you should put any image (company logo for example) on the card.

2. Size matters.

What do we mean? It is important that it is not too large nor too small, and it must fit into your card case or in your wallet. Normally the standard format is 9 × 5 cm.

3. Take the duplex!

We always recommend that you use the duplex. Normally we tend to always see both sides when you get a card and it just looks ugly and unfinished when the other side is plain white. It is a perfect opportunity to add your own personal logo or image.

4. It's time to design your card on your computer.

When you sit at the computer to design your card, it is very important that you have to the first draft at hand (point No. 1), just so you do not forget any important data. It is also important that you consider the size of the images you want to place, because then the card may not be seen well. Have you thought about putting it in the background?

5. One of the common questions is what information is put onto the card.

The information must be clear (not too many letters together) and with the necessary information (no beating around the bush). I would state your profession and nothing more. If your case is that you work for another company, also specify this.

6. Contact. Don`t feel like you have to include your phone number.

Because today, with WhatsApp this can become very chaotic ... In this case, if anyone wants to contact you, they can make it through email. It depends on the type of business you run and the intake of customers you receive. In any case, if the person is trustworthy, you can always write down the phone number by hand in a card space.It is therefore essential that your email appears on the card and also your web page where they will find more information about you. If you're going to give this card to a lot of random leads, it`s recommended you do not put your phone number on. If, however, you will present your card to people you know and businesses, then add your phone number to your card.What about an adress? If your business provides local services you need an adress for people to find you. If you provide business services and image is important to you, you might benefit from a London address providing prestige and professionalism for your business

7. What social networks?

It is important that you also state that you are present in social networks. You don`t need to put every single one down that you are present on, but for example, it`s recommended that you put Facebook and Twitter on, and also if you have Instagram, because it lets your clients see that you are a modern person, who likes creative photography.

8. QR Code?

It is important that you also display the QR code for quick access to your website or section of the website of the company to which you appear. How to generate a QR code? It is very simple. It can all be done by copying a link to the web and in a few seconds you`ll have an image that you must put in a corner of your card.

9. Logo?

If in your case, you own a personal logo, it is important to appear on your card. It is the first graphic image that your customers remember you by, so you have a perfect opportunity to add your personal brand.

10. Take advantage of offers!

There are many programs and websites that will help you design your own card. Note the print quality and type of paper, as you want something durable. Search and compare will lead you to finding good deals.For more business ideas and news, check out our Virtual Office Business Blog today and especially the tips and advice section.

August 19, 2015
May 5, 2021


Benefits of using a virtual office for your business

A virtual office is a service that enables the entrepreneur to start professionally without sacrificing their money, as well as offers many amazing benefits.

For every entrepreneur, having a space to host your business is an illusion. Hang the pictures, choose the furniture, paint the walls in order to cut the opening day ribbon, all ready to have an office to begin operations. But often this dream is truncated by the high costs of starting a business independently. Sometimes up to 50% or more of the capital is intended to take renting a property and condition.The good news is that there are virtual offices; a service that enables the entrepreneur to start professionally without sacrificing their money, as they are within the reach of almost any budget. And the best thing is that they are suitable to perform all kinds of activity, from coaching, psychology, design, accounting, architecture, freelancers and projects from home, to production and marketing of goods and services technology.But how does this tool work? This is an office like any other, only without a physical space in a building. That is, you have a tax and business address to receive your mail or print on your stationery and business cards. You also have a private number and the services of a secretary who answers your phone with the name of your company, takes messages and connects calls to your mobile or home to stay in touch with your clients at all times.This scheme is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to start with a recognised image, luxurious facilities and professional care service at a competitive cost. It means you can spend 100% of your time to do business and not worry about the operational tasks involving an office, like paying the electric bill, telephone or water, and salary and training a secretary.

The advantages of the virtual office model

Many professionals spend more than 90 minutes to reach their workplaces, causing stress and damage physical and mental health. Nobody likes to be in traffic, and this model can go to any of the resorts to perform your tasks, reduce travel times and leave you free space on your schedule to take care of other tasks. Another added value of belonging to a virtual office is that the networking is done with other users. Users can interact and do business with each other, provide a service or create strategic partnerships that benefit both parties.Using this format of work (both virtual and physical) is an alternative for companies that suffer a disaster, unforeseen or emergency. So you can move to a productive workplace and resume operations immediately, as all offices are always ready to work. Therefore, business continues without interruption. Even some providers of virtual offices manage benefit programs for its clients by means of a card. This not only identifies them as members of a circle of business people around a workplace, but gives them discounts in various establishments such as restaurants, gyms, entertainment or clothing stores.Renting a virtual office can represent savings of 54 to 90% for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). Riding a traditional office entails expenses for salaries and legal benefits for employees, plus payment of electricity, water, telephone, etc.While each provider handles packages based on the services offered, the reality is that all the offers are customised specifically for each customer, so that you only pay for what you need. The scheme adapts as you grow and, at the moment you can choose if you want you to add or remove services and migrate to other forms of work.Lots of people begin by renting a space with perhaps only a couple of desks and can then move up the ladder to occupy more office space, some businesses might start with just a registered address, giving their company a central London address. The virtual office enables you to grow at your own pace, so eventually in a relatively short amount of time, you could think about settling independently with your own office.The flexibility of this model not only benefits SMEs and entrepreneurial rookies. The big companies also use it to expand its presence nationwide or have offices in major cities throughout the country without investing much capital.For more information about virtual spaces and business news, visit the Your Virtual Office Blog today.

August 14, 2015
May 5, 2021


How to correctly take money out of a Limited Company

A limited company is separate entity in eyes of law, so one cannot simply takeout the money from the business account as if it was their personal bank account

Just like an individual person, limited company is separate entity in eyes of law, so one cannot simply takeout the money from the business account as if it was their personal bank account. Legally the company is the owner of all the finances, so certain procedures must be followed to withdraw money from the business. It can be done by four ways: director`s salary, director`s loan, dividend payments and reimbursement of the expenses. Correct channels should be used for transferring all finances and they must be recorded accurately in the accounting records of the company.

Director's Salary:

As director of limited company, one can pay himself regular salary via PAYE. In order to do this one must have his limited company registered with the HMRC as employer. The income tax and the NICE may get deducted for every pay period, depending on salary one pays himself. Company will be required for this payment to the HMRC on a monthly or quarterly basis. The salary payments are tax-deductible expense so there won`t be any liability of Corporation Tax on this money; but the Employers National Insurance contributions will have to be paid on the salary.Many of the company directors give themselves salary up to lower profit limit of NIC which is £8,060 for 2015-16 in order to avoid paying the Income Tax and also to minimize the NIC liabilities, while remaining qualified for state pension and the benefit entitlement. One can also pay himself salary up to the annual Personal Allowance (tax-free) of £10,600 for 2015-16. This means one does not have to pay Income Tax on the salary but the NI liability will be slightly higher. The remainder of the income may be taken as the dividend payments for shareholder.

Shareholders` dividend payments:

You can decide to leave the surplus income in the company in order to further aims of your business. You can also take the share of profits of the business as dividends. The dividends are paid in accordance with the value and number of your shareholding. In case you are a sole shareholder in your company, you will be entitled to all the remaining income after deducting expenses, costs and tax liabilities of business.20% Corporation Tax is payable by companies on all the taxable income. The dividend payments are from profits after tax; there personal tax or the NIC are not payable on these dividends in case the total income is below £42,385. The figure may be achieved by paying yourself:

  • £8,060 director`s salary and £34,325 dividends; or
  • £10,600 director`s salary and £31,785 dividends.
  • £8,060 is NIC threshold and £34,325 is Personal Allowance threshold

The mentioned figures are applicable to tax year 2015-16 (6th April 2015 – 5th April 2016)In you want to pay more to yourself; you should get higher dividends instead of higher salary as tax rates on dividends are always less than rates of Income tax. In order to pay dividend, a board meeting must be held and minutes should be taken, even if there is only one shareholder and director. In such cases, You only need to mention that you issued yourself dividend on a particular date, and you should keep the dividend voucher in order to show the details of payment.

Director's Loans:

You can also remove the money form your own company as director`s loan. The method may be used in order to lend money to the company, borrow money form the company which exceeds the amount which you put in company, or to reclaim the money which you previously put in the company. You should keep a record of such loans in the Director`s Loan Account and show it as part of the balance sheet of company.In case you remove the money from your company which exceeds amount you have put in the business, the loan account will be overdrawn. It is treated as benefit in kind. There might be some tax implications for your company and yourself. If you are owed money by your company, your loan account will be in credit. Money which is available may be taken out at any moment without tax implications as you will simply be reclaiming the money which you had put in your business.

If your company is owed less than £10,000 by yourself:

  • You must declare loan on your Self-Assessment tax return.
  • You might have to pay the Income Tax on interest due on loan.
  • Class 1 National Insurance must be deducted by the company on your loan.
  • Outstanding amount of loan must be shown on the Company Tax Return.
  • The section 455 Tax will have to be paid by the company at 25% of overdrawn amount.

In case the loan is not repaid and is written off:

  • Class 1 NI must be deducted by your company through payroll.
  • Income tax must be paid by you on loan via Self-Assessment

Profits for the companies limited by guarantee:

The companies which are limited by a guarantee are normally setup by the non-profit organizations. They can also be set up by the profit making businesses. Such companies don`t have any shares or the shareholders. The surplus income is usually put back in business in order to promote and to achieve the non-profit goals of business. In case the company is not non-profit, the money can be removed from business as loan, salary and expenses. The payment of dividends is not applicable.

Can I continue to take salary in the current job if I set up a limited company?

One can be self-employed and employed at same time, therefore, one can continue receiving salary in the current job while managing and owning his own limited company as director and shareholder. Indeed, a lot of new business owners have to stay in the employment until they have suitable income from the business profits.Any money one receives from the company in form of director`s salary or/and dividend payments of shareholder`s should be included in the gross annual income for the purposes of taxation and one Income tax and the NIC must be paid in accordance with the combined income of both jobs. Such accounting can be time consuming and challenging, so one may wish to get an accountant.

Working out the Income Tax and the National Insurance Contributions:

There will be a requirement for you to prepare as well as file your Self-Assessment tax return annually. It should include the details of salary, expenses and benefits received from employment and also the salary, benefits, expenses and dividends received from you company. Second tax code will be issued by HMRC for income tax which you receive from company. Tax code for the existing job is most likely to remain same.As employee in your present job, your Income tax and the Class 1 NI will be paid through PAYE. Your employer will deduct it from you salary before paying it to you. You will need to work out amount of the income tax and the NIC which you owe on income received from the company – this is for the Self-Assessment.Class 2 and the Class 4 National Insurance might have to be paid by you. The Class 2 NI are charged at flat rate £2.80/ week, and Class 4 NI can be worked out as percentage of the self-employed profits, so this amount will be determined at end of tax year, when you will complete the Self-Assessment tax return. You might be permitted deferring some Class 2 or/and Class 4 NIC in order to avoid overpayment through the self-employment.Your Virtual Office London have helped form many thousands of companies for our clients over the past 4 decades. If you need help or advice on your business or start-up please contact us today.

August 13, 2015
May 5, 2021


What is a shareholder and what do they do?

The shareholders are beneficial owners of the limited companies. They invest in companies in return for the equity shares and work to improve business.

A shareholder is a beneficial owner of the limited companies. Shareholders invest in companies in return for the equity shares. It allows them to vote on management and the direction of business. It also allows them to receive portion of the profits with relation to the percentage of their ownership. Shareholders also have a responsibility to contribute according to value of their shareholding, in case company is not able to pay the creditors. A number of small companies have only a single shareholder and he is mostly the sole director of company as well. Alternatively, there can be many directors and shareholders of companies, who might or might not be same people.

What is the difference between Shareholders, members and subscribers?

Subscribers are the first shareholder in company as they add or subscribe their names to memorandum of the association during the process of company formation. By doing this they agree to form and become a part of company by taking at least one share.The shareholders are also known as members. It doesn`t matter if they join the company during incorporation or after it.The subscribers usually have the same rights as those people who become the shareholders after the formation of company. It is determined by the percentage of their shareholding, the particulars of the rights attached to the shares, and terms of the shareholders` agreement which was drawn up.

Responsibilities and rights of shareholders:

The shareholders do not participate in the day to day running of the company unless they are directors as well. Only when the directors don`t have authority to make decisions, the shareholders will make the decisions. Typically, following are the responsibilities and rights of shareholders:

• To take at least one issued share in the limited company• In case the company is not able to pay the creditors, shareholders agree that they will contribute value of the share which they own. It is called limited liability.• Having power to change name of company.• Having power to change structure of company.• Appointment and removal of directors.• Granting the rights and the powers to the directors of company.• Issuing shares after the formation of the company.• Transferring the share they own, to some other people.• Changing the particulars of the rights attached with shares.• Approving the substantial investments.• Receiving the profits of company according to the value and number of the shares they own (dividends payments).

Can a shareholder also be a director of the company?

Shareholders can be appointed the directors of the company if they are 16 years of age or more. A number of companies are owned and managed by single person serving as both the sole shareholders as well as the sole director.

Can one company hold share in another company?

The limited company shareholder may be individual person or any business entity such as a partnership, an organization, another company, etc. These non-human shareholders are known as corporate shareholders. There will be a representative who will be appointed in order to act on the behalf of corporate body. He will attend the general meetings, exercise the voting rights, sign resolutions, and will perform other shareholder duties as well. The position is usually held by director of corporate body.

Benefits of corporate shareholder:

Number of benefits may be provided by the established corporations. As they have greater influence, resources and experience from which smaller businesses can benefit. The established corporations can provide the capital in order to buy equipment or to help the business grow. These large companies often have good established relationships with the suppliers which can provide the small business with better bargaining power. The involvement of such established corporations can have a positive influence on the other firms, lenders and investors to have business relationships with smaller company. They can also offer some valuable expertise in the corporate governance, branding, strategy, research and market trends, investment, legal matters, economic growth and sustainability.

Important points:

• In case corporate shareholder owns above 50% of the companies issued share capital, It will become the holding company or parent company with the majority control. Other company will then become subsidiary of this corporate share holder.• In case you sell large amount of hares to some corporate shareholder, the non-corporate shareholders who have smaller shareholdings might get overpowered by majority votes of corporate shareholder.

Can a new shareholder be added after the formation of the company?

After the formation of company the limited companies may bring in new shareholders. This can be done in two ways. The ownership of the existing shares may be transferred from present shareholders to new shareholders; or additional shares might be issued by a company in order to sell to the new shareholders.It is easier to transfer share than to issue new shares, but it will depend on whether there are any share available for transfer.

Are the details of shareholders displayed on public records?

Names of all the shareholders of a company are displayed on the Companies House`s public record. It is required from the subscribers to give the full name along with contact address to the Companies House. Those shareholders who join after the incorporation of the company only need to provide the name. The details of the issued share capital of the company are also disclosed on the public record.In case one prefers to keep his name off public register of the companies, he may protect his privacy by appointing a nominee.

What is shareholders agreement?

The shareholders agreement is recommended highly for limited companies that have more than single shareholder, however, it isn`t a requirement of law. It is a legally binding agreement between the shareholders which expands on general contents of articles of the association by defining responsibilities and the specific rights of shareholders, how the company is to be managed, and how the decisions are to be made.It is a very effective way to make sure that all the members are protected equally and they are aware of the rights, obligations and restrictions in all the circumstances. Exact contents of the agreement may vary considerably from one company to another, but it is the principal purpose of this document to prevent conflicts among shareholders, and the protection of interests of the minority shareholders against voting powers of the majority shareholders.

Important issues covered by the shareholders agreement:

• The distribution of the profits of company – directors loans, dividends, and reinvestment in company.• Appointment and removal of secretaries and directors.• Restrictions and rights of the company directors.• Salaries of directors.• The prescribed particulars which are attached to the shares.• Restrictions and procedures when issuing and transferring shares.• Financial matters – loans, overdrafts, equity investments, etc.• Protecting the rights of minority shareholders – For example: such company decisions which require the unanimous agreement of all the shareholders, not only the majority vote.• Changing the structure or nature of business.• Guidelines for dispute resolution.• Guidelines for the legal proceedings.• The information rights of the shareholders.

The shareholder agreement is confidential and private document – It is not displayed on the public record. It may be drawn up by solicitor before or after the formation of company, and the shareholders can alter it at any time. There are no specific rules regarding where the document should be kept.

July 28, 2015
May 5, 2021


Top tools and apps to help your business meetings

The key is to be clear about the agenda of business meetings, the reason for each, the people who will attend, and the maximum time that can be devoted to each.

Meetings can be a powerful weapon for SMEs, but also a huge waste of time. A well-organised meeting agenda can be vital for any company; the key here is to be clear about the agenda of business meetings, the reason for each one, the people who will attend and the maximum time that can be devoted to each. Once this information is analysed, it is easier to create a meeting that has far more worth than one simply thrown together in a rush.Seen this way, the task may seem daunting, but fortunately today there are many tools to help you manage your schedule of business meetings and to fix an appointment with employees or customers. These are the ones we have selected:

Tools to set up meetings


Its main function is to organise the calendar of meetings, but can also be used for other events. With Doodle, you can know the availability of the people they want to meet up with and so find the date that suits everyone. Once you have it clear when you want to be at the meeting, you can send the link by email or through the interface to other participants.Doodle works as a shared online platform and is known for being a very intuitive calendar. If you do not have time to learn to drive a more powerful calendar and do not have big needs, this is your tool.


One of the tools that is most renowned and most used. It is a paid software which not only allows you to manage a calendar of events, but also makes presentations to large groups and even creates online polls and surveys. It has several versions which also include the possibility of interactive training sessions.GoToMeeting is a good choice for those conducting online meetings and conferences through the network on a regular basis. Besides organising the meeting agenda, you can setup meetings through the platform.

Google Calendar

With improved Google Apps, Google Calendar also comes to mobiles and tablets. The advantage of Google Calendar is that it integrates with your Gmail and, of course, is free. The tool provides a personal dashboard that allows you to create appointments, set reminders and even share with other team members. Plus, you can synchronise with Google Hangouts to video conference with up to 10 people.


TimePal is useful for setting events with partners from different time zones. It also allows you to set the duration of the meeting, so that it will tell you if you are exceeding the schedule.TimePal functions as a board that matches the schedule of each region, to see the hours that match the rest of the group. Like most applications, there is a limited free version, or if you pay, then you get no ads and more features.


As with Google Calendar, TimeBridge can be used to organise meetings or personal events. TimeBridge's meeting management service can either be operated with large groups or one-on-one meetings and cover different time zones too. It can be integrated with Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar and Apple iCal. and also includes phone and Web conferencing opportunities.


WhenisGood is a basic, online tool that will generate a link to a survey and send this to other participants with different proposed dates. Once respond by all, you can access the results and choose the date that received the most votes.


Meetomatic is another free service online, where you just have to choose possible dates and send them via email or social networks. With the responses of all participants in, you can easily establish which date generated the greater consensus.


A very useful tool to find out who's who in a meeting. UberConference can query data collected from other people and initiates a simple, visual, and free to use conference call. It allows you to quickly set up and join free conference calls without the use of PINS.


Attendium is a tool that automates the lists of invitees to a meeting, which is useful for mass events, but perhaps not for use with meetings where there are a limited number of participants.If you liked our business blog post, you can find more helpful tips in our productivity section.

July 28, 2015
May 5, 2021


What technologies can be used for sharing business expertise online?

Business consultancy is a global phenomenon, but a lack of understanding of online technologies could be holding some consultants back. Find more info.

Business consultancy is a global phenomenon, but a lack of understanding of online technologies could be holding some consultants back. How can business leaders use the internet to share their knowledge effectively with an international audience?Business knowledge can of course be shared through e-books, on websites, or in pre-recorded online videos or courses. However, online tuition defined as synchronous (live) tuition provided by a human tutor over the internet to one or more students is another option.Insights into using the online medium for business consultancy can come from the world of private tuition. A recent survey by The Tutor Pages of around 400 tutors found that online tuition was a highly appropriate medium for adult learners: that improved learning was more likely among adults compared to children, and that it was easier to establish rapport online with adults. Moreover, the tutors surveyed reported that they were experiencing higher demand for tuition among adult learners.

What does online tuition involve?

Online tuition usually involves text chat, audio or video (for example through Skype). It can also involve:

  • an online whiteboard (an online workspace where text, graphs and images can be shared in real time). Examples: Scribblar, Google Docs
  • video conferencing (which combines video and/or audio chat, screen-sharing, file sharing, session recording and online whiteboards). Examples: Gotomeeting, Webex
  • a virtual classroom (similar to video conferencing, but with an education focus). Examples: WizIQ, Blackboard Collaborate
  • online tuition agencies (which charge commission for sourcing students and providing a virtual classroom). Example: Tutorhub, MyTutorWeb
  • online payment technology. Example: Paypal
  • asynchronous elements (such as emailing or sending back completed assignments)

The simplicity of online tuition

One of the surprising findings of The Tutor Pages` survey was just how simple online tuition can be. Most tutors (over 80%) were using the video technology Skype, no doubt because it is a quality product, it is free to use, and a communication tool which most people are familiar with. Payment was also extremely simple for most tutors: the vast majority were using either bank transfer or Paypal.

Benefits and challenges

Online tuition is of course not the same as imparting knowledge face-to-face. However, there are a number of obvious advantages. With no need to travel, it is not only more convenient than in-person tuition, it is less expensive. Tutors also report that it is a more flexible option sessions can be shorter and more frequent, for example and it is perhaps the greener option too.There are particular challenges, however, with online learning. Most obviously, it is harder to build rapport online. In face-to-face encounters, we instinctively pick up on non-verbal cues such as body language, posture, facial expression and tone of voice. Detecting and responding to these cues is indeed harder online. Some tutors also report that interacting online is more intense or concentrated, and that more preparation is required. Finally, there are the technological issues associated with online learning, such as connection problems or broadband speeds.

Future outlook

As technology improves and more and more people get used to the idea of online learning sharing expertise of all kinds through online tuition will increase. Many of those who already tutor online are convinced of its benefits, and many more are willing to try it to further their tutoring or consultancy businesses.To read The Tutor Pages survey report on online tuition in full, visit www.thetutorpages.com/online-tuition

July 28, 2015
May 5, 2021


Five styles of leadership that do not work

We all have in mind the qualities and skills needed to be a leader and are almost always rigged to a particular style of exercise that encompasses leadership.

Every organisation needs a leader and each leader has their own style of management. What defines leadership? We all have in mind the qualities and skills needed to be a leader and are almost always rigged to a particular style of exercise that encompasses leadership. Among the most repeated include communication skills to convey confidence, determination, commitment, proximity, passion or responsibility.

Negative leadership styles

Ultimately, each leader has to find their own style a - the key in any case goes through to find a style that works best for you. However, the five that follow are generally those that do not succeed.


It is easy to fall into micromanagement, a style that is characterised by absolute control of what happens in your work environment. It is something to be avoided because it means extra pressure for the employee, a cut in their autonomy, is against empowerment and a very inefficient method of facing major tasks.The problem with micromanagement is that it is not always easy to distinguish the line between what is active and helpful support and what is not. However, there are other signs that will help you realise whether or not you're a micromanager:

  • You have difficulty delegating tasks, even in people who you consider competent
  • You indulge in additional projects and agree to perform tasks that cannot be developed
  • Lose time correcting small mistakes and lose the overview of the project
  • You are on your employees backs and want to know what they do at all times

If you see yourself reflected in these attitudes, not sporadically, but overall, maybe you should review your management style.

The absolutist

A leader is responsible for setting the course of the ship and the direction to be taken by the team, but should also be open to proposals from the pack. A common mistake is to fall into a kind of absolutism, in which the vision and direction are Law.Authority is required in the company because it creates respect in the workplace, but it should never come at the expense of silencing the rest of the employees. The leader will always have the last word, but it should address the proposals of the group to make them see that their opinion matters and make them feel part of the company, increasing their productivity.In any case, it is impossible for one person to control everything that happens in the company. In this sense, there is nothing worse than making a decision on an issue that is unknown.

The softest

On the opposite side we find leaders that are too lax, that do not establish rules or supervision. They may struggle in making sure that everyone works in the same direction and that the company communicates the goals accordingly. Without this direction, a team can have great ideas, but nothing on which to align, consolidate and unify them under one criterion.Flexibility is important in the business, but everything has its limits.

The "I can do it all"

In this case we find a variant of micromanagement, only aggravated also because the leader will want to take care of all tasks. One of the first things you should do is learn to delegate leaders.The advantages of not doing everything on your own are obvious: you release workload to the team and you make sure that everything is done as you intended. However, if you want to go further, you will also let others take responsibility to grow as a team. Remember, the more you work with other people, the further you`ll grow in these environments.

The rigidity

Consistency in itself is positive, but taken so far can be very harmful for the company and for your development as a leader. One of the most common mistakes is often to draw a mental picture of the way forward and stick to it no matter what, through thick and thin, regardless of your surroundings. This is a recipe for disaster.A good leader must be able to understand that their management style must adapt to new situations and environments.You can read more on our business blog for more helpful articles, if you found this a good read you can read more in our "tips and advice" section.

July 22, 2015
May 5, 2021


3 'tips' to increase your security in the cloud

Taking advantage of a hole in the security system of Apple passwords, the hackers had gained access to private files stored in Cupertino company iCloud service.

It was in the summer of 2014 when the Internet users around the world suddenly realised that their data online were not immune to risks. Risque photos of Rihanna, Kate Upton, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson, Kirsten Dunst and other celebrities, began to circulate through the network completely unopposed. Taking advantage of a hole in the security system of Apple passwords, the hackers had gained access to private files stored in the Cupertino company iCloud service, to seize and disseminate such images on the Internet.It was not the first time. In 2011 Scarlett Johansson was thrust in the worldwide media about selfies that had been done in her bathroom. It was by no means the only case. Just a month and a half later the same thing happened again: More stolen public photos emerged from the "cloud" of celebrities. In total sixty were affected, according to the list published by Daily Dot.The fact is that this has cast doubt on the safety of the service from Apple, although there were those who insinuated it was all a publicity stunt. Either way, we now know for sure that if we decide to have the cloud, we have to take security measures to prevent our sensitive data (bank account number, private email, phone numbers etc.) ending up in the hands of digital criminals.But is it possible to protect a hack? Before this is answered, we have to take a step back, because it can be dangerous to take things for granted. When a file is put on the net, there are certain issues that must be considered. A huge number of people use the cloud to store their files - in 2012, 86% of companies used it, according to a study by VB News - and had access to them at any time, without overloading their hard disk.This is an amazing system, especially if we consider that the cloud services usually provide sufficient protection. Whenever you deliver a document or a photo to iCloud, to the Drive or Dropbox, however, we must note that we are raising our data to a server, i.e. a computer. Unfortunately, security systems are not insurmountable, and the criminals are always on the lookout, prepared to take advantage of minor faults.How to protect yourself, then? Is it possible to prevent the risk of someone else taking your documents? The obligatory premise is that nobody and nothing can be absolutely sure if you surf the net, although we can do something to minimise risks. Here are some simple rules that let you gain a level of digital security.

Encrypt your files

Rule number one - cloud security: Always protect your data using complex passwords, as these are difficult to guess. If your data storage service offers authentication options, use it; if it has two-factor authentication, even better. If you have available locally encryption, please use it.

If you do not want to share it ... do not put it up!

Rule number two - ask yourself before you save a file to the cloud: If it was a paper document, would you give it to a stranger, or in an envelope? If the answer is "no", you know what you have to do with the pin of the bank account, for example. Be extra vigilant about what you are releasing into the cloud, just in case and if it is too sensitive, then perhaps it isn`t the best idea sharing it.

Always close your session

The third and last part relates to your behaviour when you turn off the computer. It is not enough to close the browser, because the session can remain open for the next user to view. You have to log out using the "Exit", "close" or "logout" buttons, especially if used on a shared computer, and in this specific case, it is better to clear the cache and chronology too.

July 14, 2015
May 5, 2021


5 tops tips for discovering new customers

In this article, we have mentioned the five basic techniques to gain new customers and boost interactions while increasing company’s sales.

Several startups and new companies are likely to attain an industry plateau fairly early within their lifecycles. They may have gathered sufficient new customers to build a moderate victory, but can still experience difficulties breaking from their comfort zone. To be able to break that bubble and reveal your organisation to prospective buyers or clients, you will have to take drastic actions.Below are five basic techniques to enable you to boost prospective client interactions and thereby making your company's sales grow:

1. Initiate a brand new marketing tool

Perhaps your client base is starting to stagnate? This implies your advertising tool is broken. Therefore, you need to fix it. To do that, you need to first sit down and think seriously regarding your prospective buyers you are aiming to market to and the exact location you are most likely to contact them. This may require a little bit of market study.Assess your industry competitors, and come up with a summary of how they are promoting their products. How do the ways their fundamental message vary from that of your business? After the assessment, then you will need to consider the way you could possibly develop upon the advertising approaches they are utilising along with the approach you happen to be following.To start, listed below are a few ideas that may introduce your business to a potential client:Organise a unique event: In fact, this happens to be a smart way of bringing several people together in an amicable and casual environment. Provide them with some refreshments, chat with them on what you want to offer and the reason why they really have to consider what you offer.Give bonuses: Offer a gift, discount or voucher to individuals who share your social media articles. To this, you can start a small free gift competition to generate some in-store and online buzz.For any new or existing marketing strategy ideas you are implementing, you should bear it in your mind how they might influence your present client base. Once you start an important transition, be sure that your new technique keeps important elements of the ideology that began gaining clients for you.

2. Provide a brand new product or service

Not only will launching a new product widen the attraction of your company, it will also bring about new product sales as well as more cash in your wallet. Nevertheless, how precisely will you create amazing ideas for the new products? The brainstorming procedure amounts to a couple of strategies:

  • Study the competition: What plan do specialists in your industry possess for the future? Exactly where is the industry moving? Study the various items that other businesses are launching and consider the way you could also build and enhance upon those concepts.
  • Research product critiques: Study the customer's reviews of your present products. Is there any recurring requests or complaints that may be taken on board? If you are able to consider a new product that occupies spaces in the present market, it is advisable to have an internal client foundation from the time of launching.
  • Google it: Irrespective of the type of industry you are working in, you must read bloggers who devote considerable time and effort for analysing the market as well as everything regarding it. Read their experience, and put their thoughts into consideration.

Once you have discovered a space in the marketplace, then the time is right to start creating. Provided you are promoting your new offers in the proper place, you need to be able to increase your customer base significantly.

3. Strengthen your online presence

Several distinct social media sites are available that focus on an array of customers, with only some things in common. Regardless of your choice, you will need to develop a solid digital profile to expand your business, in fact the ideal location to accomplish that is with social media.Primarily, the base articles your organisation needs to be publishing on each website should be similar. You need not put up inane things for the purpose of appearing active. Rather, you should publish information and news regarding your products, business and upcoming events. Having said that, the manner you share this kind of information will significantly differ on every platform. For instance, Twitter restricts its customers to merely 140 characters per published piece ; consequently, you must connect your target audience into clicking into your articles by making use of one or two phrases. The ultimate war weapon in improving customer service(s) is social media. Therefore, use it correctly.

4 . Develop an excellent website

While building your website, there are many important elements you should definitely incorporate to make it have a compelling look to prospective and existing customers. A few of these are:Response to questions : Perhaps you would like to convert the casual website user into a devoted customer? You must start by visualising precisely who that individual really is by including things they need . Most of all, exactly what do they really want to know? Your site is the ideal destination to respond to questions, which may be discouraging customers from purchasing for the first time.Good copywriting : With regards to the web, website content is the master. Thus, your site will go totally undetected by the public until you are producing appealing content on your site . Internet users are unpredictable, and simple spelling errors or an absence of voice is sufficient to push them far away from your site. Scrutinise the copy you are putting on the internet, and make sure to create an impact.Use fundamental SEO : Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is always a changing industry ; in spite of this, available are hundreds of methods you can utilise to ensure your site is always atop search engine results pages. Consider keyword phrases, metadata and also endeavour to develop natural backlinks between several other like-minded websites .

5 . Seek referrals

New customers will probably try out an item if it is suggested by an associate . Whenever real customers discuss your company, prospective customers are going to be attentive; hence, among the easiest approaches to get new clients is simply by tallying up constructive reviews.In this contemporary age of social media and SEO, word-of-mouth continues to be the strongest advertising tool available .There are some crucial techniques you need to apply so as to begin getting constructive recommendations for your company :Do not stop asking : The fundamental reason why the majority of small enterprises are unable to get customer recommendations is painfully simple : they fail to ask . The perfect time to demand a recommendation is towards the completion of a deal, when outstanding service was delivered and your company remains positively attached to the client.Ensure it is simple : Even the major devoted customers will never dedicate hours of their valuable time in order to advertise your company. Should you need them to give a good positive review, you will need to make it simple. For instance, include direct backlinks to a few of the evaluation setups on which you are available and incorporate a short, proactive approach. Even though you might appear on numerous review websites, never submit above more than a few backlinks. You don`t wish to bombard or pressurise clients.Remind customers: Make sure to maintain clients of both the present and past, and do not be afraid to put a casual recommendation reminder into the discussion. In any case, for the fact that you have asked them for a referral in the past does not mean they will never want to. A number of of your customers are have busy lives, and it may most likely would have escaped their minds.

July 13, 2015
May 5, 2021


Is Big Data an opportunity for small businesses?

'Big data' is a great opportunity that is already exploring markets in both consumer and corporate industries. Find out more information about this.

Among the advancement of innovative technology for the consumer and the potential for increased business, "Big data" is a great opportunity that is already exploring markets in both consumer and corporate industries. While there is a wealth of data available to the public domain, most discussion focuses on its application to corporations with the financial power to capture and exploit them.What position does that leave small businesses that strive for success and growth in competitive markets? Although success certainly depends on the individual company and its ability to seize the opportunity, Big Data is not just for big companies. In fact, it is an area of modern technological development that can be used by any company regardless of its size, thanks to the various cloud hosting solutions that exist in the market.

The role of social networks

One of the biggest contributors to the growing volumes of data that companies are trying to understand is social media, according to a recent study by eMarketer. An important factor is that 7 out of 10 of European users participate in social networks, making this their primary online activity. The obstacle facing SMEs is how to harness this data and apply them in their business operations to expand their businesses.1.5 billion people worldwide use social media actively and so it is crucial that SMEs resort to the opinions that consumers can offer. Different businesses can benefit from the information circulating and being captured via social media, including retail. They can use aspects such as demographics, trends and by "listening" to what consumers are saying - to be at the forefront of a changing market and leading consumer preferences.

Find what's important to you

Managing data growth is just the beginning for SMEs. However, having never handled such volumes of data, SMEs need to be able to identify the most important and relevant information for business growth; effectively, to deepen it.Therefore, effective social platforms need online analysis, which examines trends, habits and discussions. This is crucial in SMEs to have the data they are collecting through social networks. To hear what is being said can identify the gaps and blanks in different markets, as well as areas that can be developed further. This means that companies can meet the demand of consumers. This information may also allow SMEs to build a brand with the right audience, market their services effectively and address the complaints and customer inquiries more quickly.To access data on the habits of consumers, to the discussions and demographics of a particular market, SMEs can shape their offerings to match market demand and to shape the future of their businesses to be more tailored, reacting and interacting with the right people.Big changes are being made to ensure that the benefits of Big data is more accessible to small businesses. With this wealth of information, the issue for SMEs should be not about the access to these, but to have opportunities, development and the appropriate requirements for the industry in which they are operating. Once this is established, the thing SMEs need is to address the business needs that have been targeted by consumers, who will then guide the company in the right direction. This essentially leads on to the growth of your business.The evolving nature of technology and communication, the constant changes in trends and huge potential therein, means that Big data is an opportunity not to be passed up on by SME`s. With such unlimited reach, everyone should be taking their first steps towards this huge prospect.Your Virtual Office London have helped many SME's and startups become more successful through our tailored services which include mail forwarding, call answering and full virtual office packages. If you enjoyed this blog you can read more on our business blog here.

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