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Useful advice, tips and business news.

September 3, 2014
May 5, 2021


How to get credibility when starting your business

One concern when you have your own business is how to get credibility and prestige, especially when you’re starting. Find out information this article here.

One concern when you have your own business is how to get credibility and prestige, especially when you're starting. This is because there is much emphasis on the importance of positioning yourself as an expert, to stand out from the others and especially to create credibility online, which always costs more.More than anything, you should not have any limiting beliefs when you've just started. I`m not enough of an expert, I have to be this or do that, I cannot compete with the competition, etc. These are typical negative thoughts that block you and will not let you advance in your profession. Worse, they do not allow you to help others as well as you could.So how do you get that credibility, how do you feel more sure of yourself and offer your services with confidence?

You can get credibility with the four key factors

1: Experience

If you're going to spend on a particular area, your own experience gives you a lot of credibility and helps you to help others going through the same situation. For example, people seek out help from others in their field, thus gaining experience every time.The same goes for those who want a business promoting online services. Your personal history is key to giving you credibility. Another example of a credible path is that of becoming a coach. This is an experience that attracts many people who want to do the same thing, gain knowledge in a field and then pass it on to others. This is a perfect example of how to use your own experience and history to be credible, without the need to invent anything.When you form a strong emphasis on coaching, you do not necessarily need plenty more knowledge or experience than your customers. It is built upon self belief and when it comes to positioning yourself, a person can identify and be interested with your career, meaning they will trust you.

2: Training

Training gives you credibility and builds trust for the simple reason that you learn specific skills that can help your customers. Training is important whenever you have a clear goal and you can use it to increase your credibility. Just do not you fall into the common mistake of talking about yourself and your titles too much, because your customers care about what you can do for them, not how many masters you have.

3: Specialisations

The more you like to specialise in something, the easier it will be to excel, stand out, position yourself and charge more for your services. Being specialised in a topic or a specific group makes people prefer you immediately. Who doesn't want someone skilled in the area they`re interested in?For example, if you are a scientist and want a coach, what catches your eye - a coach for everyone or one who specialises in science? In a world over-saturated with information, expertise is power.

4: Evidence

This is probably the most important point of all, on which all the others hinge on. If you have evidence of customers you have helped and achieved their goals, then this gives you instant credibility. Of course, there are always people who think you can invent testimonials and so it is recommended to have full names, photos, etc. Having helped others who were in the same situation is the final proof that you are a good professional.And how do you get testimonials? First, don`t squander the opportunity to take a testimonial every time. But mostly, by simply being a good professional, because the important thing is that you are good at what you do. It is the real key to everything.Your Virtual Office London can help boost your businesses presence, we provide a wide range of services that are aimed to help improve your companies bottom line. Our professional services have been developed over many years and they offer a cost effective way of ensuring a professioanl commercial image for clients and customer alike. Our virtual office services consist of mail forwarding address, registered office address, and call answering. If you would like to discuss any of the points raised in this article please do contct our expert team today.

September 2, 2014
May 5, 2021


The Key for Productive Business: Escalation

How to start a productive business and get the results you want? Here, you will find how to easily apply these aspects with a different approach in business.

Would you like to get better results? To be more productive? To leave less things for later? In this article, you will find how to easily apply these aspects for a productive business with a different approach.Nature is wise and builds its magnificent structures progressively. The seed doesn't become a tree in a day - everything requires a process. In the midst of a fast-paced world, where it is possible to make great leaps from one moment to another, sometimes it is overlooked that the escalation is an important key, especially when we generate sustainable results.

Some applications of progression:

Every great project is divided into small steps. Such is the key to perform these feats: identify the small steps you need to build what you want. Visualise the end result, but only take care of the small, concrete, simple action that you make now.How often do we not know where to start or feel overwhelmed by the enormity of a project? When you face something big, change your approach to escalation and just ask yourself, what is my next move?Train yourself to break down bigger things, as this ensures your growth. Trying something, for which you are not prepared for however, greatly increases the chances of failure. Progression can be about developing and creating learning skills, which will be needed for the next level of growth you attain. Builders know of escalation, because to lift a very tall building, you need to first build an excellent foundation.Increase your self confidence. Personal change processes can take time: conceive of a new way to interact with new rules and meet new environments. To feel secure and comfortable in this scenario, you need to acclimatize.We need to explore, test ourselves and assimilate new ideas about ourselves and others. Moving forward with progression allows this process to gain results naturally and so the changes take root better.Escalation does not mean slow progress. Escalation is instead about fulfilling and evaluating each step when it is time to move to the next. Many times, the attempt to "go faster" just takes longer because you cannot ever start or build results that stand the test of time. Escalation involves being attentive to the process and having a high level of commitment to growth.Your Virtual Office London are expert at helping businesses fill their full potential. Our wide range of business services can help your new start up succeed in even the most difficult of markets. If you are looking for a London presence our virtual office, mail forwarding and registered office services can help take your business to the next level.

September 2, 2014
May 5, 2021


5 top tips on how to start a profitable business

Today, thanks largely to the advent of the internet, it is possible to mount a profitable business with little investment. Here are 5 tips you need to know.

Today, thanks largely to the advent of the internet, it is possible to mount a profitable business with little investment. The first aspect to consider before getting started is to have someone to advise you properly.In order to start a profitable and practical business - a successful business it is not to imply that we should invest heavily in order to operate it. It is essential to be informed in advance of all relevant data and information when starting a business, and in this way, you will ensure no mistakes happen, without starting a business completely blind.Before taking any step you must know the amount of money you need to open your business, the products that are sold and the purchase of furniture or equipment, among other possibilities.For many, the experience teaches you that the best investments are the ones you do not act on.More and more people decide to start their own business and become their own bosses. Generally, entrepreneurs often do not have enough investment to create a huge infrastructure in your business capital.It is precisely for this reason that a large majority of freelancers or entrepreneurs choose businesses that require a low investment, but in turn offer high returns. So what are the essential keys when starting a business with low investment and high returns?Key 1: Create a Business Plan: Creating a business plan is a key step for any company which must be perfectly suited to what clients there are, the market you are targeting and the approximate time of a return on investment. Also, the quality of the products, the investment needed etc.Key 2: Small Business: The smartest idea is to definitely start a small business and let the size grow with time. At first, it is appropriate to make an interesting offer to attract new users or customers visiting your business.Key 3: Professional Relationships: Maintain professional relationships with people who are dedicated to the same industry, which are in the same environment as your business, such as experts like Your Virtual office London. Allow yourself to cultivate interesting alliances. Also, you can meet and learn about updates and relevant industry information.Key 4: Licenses required: Opening a business, whether online or offline, involves having all necessary licenses to operate your business that can operate as normal, and most importantly, quite legally. Also, make sure to register your brand and, of course, to pay taxes.Key 5: Trust: Having confidence in yourself is vital to mount any type of business. Never give up; you must have a winning mentality, especially if you put yourself in charge of your own business. Although at first may be difficult to start, remember that success in business is not impossible, and if you have enough confidence in yourself, you will get the successful business of your dreamsNow that you know to mount the 5 key profitable business ideas with little investment, you can no doubt start your own business with little or no money to invest. If you can drive your business ideas and reinforce them, you can surely make a success of your business guaranteed.Your Virtual Office London have helped many businesses become successful. We can help you achieve the goals you have set yourself, we can assist in company formation and taxation services with an affordable business accountant who can help support your business.Your Virtual Office London can also assist in improving the corporate image of your business, we specialise in virtual office services which include a mail forwarding address, registered office service and a director address service. If you would like to discuss any points raised in this article please do get in touch with us today, we are always happy to help.

September 2, 2014
May 5, 2021


1Rebel Gym startup raises £1.5m via Crowdcube

1 Rebel gym startup has found 304 investors from Crowdcube that pledged £1.5 million for the new launch of the gym at Shoreditch. Find more information.

1Rebel gym startup raises £1.5 million via Crowdcube. The boutique gym, 1Rebel, found 304 investors from Crowdcube who pledged £1.5 million for the new launch of the gym at Shoreditch. The pitch was very popular and was oversubscribed with a whopping £1,559,370 worth of investment.The pitch reached its target of £1.15 million within 11 days of it first appearing on the crowd funding site Crowdcube. The opportunity eventually attracted 304 investors with a stake of 34.03% in the company.The company was founded by James Balfour and Giles Dean, both have worked on the well-known Fitness First brand.1Rebel is a gym that is contract free which allows members pay for and book classes online, providing a pay as you go service.The first gym is expected to open in Shoreditch later this year.

Your Virtual Office London

We have helped many start-ups become successful brands, many of our successful clients have not needed investment in order to progress into larger businesses. Our services are designed to be affordable, Your Virtual Office London understand that keeping overheads down to a minimum is important in the early stages of a new start up.Your Virtual office London have designed products to help improve the image of your company, our mail forwarding service address is a prime example of how our virtual office services can boost your companies commercial presence without having to drastically increase spending.A registered office address in London is another great way to boost your corporate image within your market sector; the registered office can help your company appear larger by showing clients that your address is one in a prominent area within the heart of London.For many of our customers they have also found our telephone answering service beneficial to their progression. You can read more on our telephone answering services here.

September 1, 2014
May 5, 2021


Russia states EU could feel winter gas shortage

Russia has stated there could be gas shortage for the regions including Ukraine, suggesting that Ukraine will need to siphon off gas from Europe’s main supply.

Russia seems to be flexing its power once again. The country has stated there could be a shortage of gas for the region including Ukraine, suggesting that Ukraine will need to siphon off gas supplies from the main supply to Europe in order to avoid gas shortage.Russia has stated that the Ukraine`s reserves have reached a critical point. The country has stated that the Ukraine needs to store more gas underground in order to avoid a shortage. If a shortage did occur then the Ukraine would need to use gas from the transit pipelines in order to meet the shortage, however this would directly affect the EU`s own supply.It is not the fast time the gas supply to the EU and Ukraine has come into the spotlight, in June Russia stopped its supplied to Ukraine over a price dispute. The EU was still able to receive large volumes from Russia even when this dispute was at its peak.Many European countries rely heavily on Russian gas supplies, the main supplier in Russia is Gazprom, a state owned company.Gas supply security is the main priority for the EU, and is probably one of the main reasons why no military action from the EU or UN has really taken place in Ukraine. Russia currently holds the ace card in terms of supply to the EU and with winter rapidly approaching, there seems to be very little the EU and USA can do about the situation.The latest sanctions from the EU will hit the oil industry hard but not the gas sector which is vital for the EU.

August 29, 2014
May 5, 2021


Tips to start a successful business

If you want to what key factors are required to start a successful business, follow these steps and apply them briefly to your own business for a good start.

If we analyse the many business ventures that come and go, there always seem to be certain factors that represent failure and others that lead closer to success. If you want to know these factors or steps, here we present them briefly so you can apply them to start a successful business.

The 8 steps to start a successful business:

So you can lay down the path of success in your business, it is essential that from the beginning you take the appropriate steps. These are:1. See what you love: The first step in starting a successful business is to discover what you are passionate about, interested and motivated for, and it is also essential to develop skills and leadership. Many believe that the first thing is to choose the notion of entrepreneurship, but it is actually taking the decision to initiate and realise that idea into something real.2. Select something you're passionate about. Now it's time to think and realise the idea. To do this, choose the business opportunities that really interest you, because you will be willing to fight and work with motivation for these.3. Meet with more entrepreneurs: You can only achieve success, but as a team it is much simpler. So join other entrepreneurs who drive the same passion and energy that you have, and thus have more ideas to come out the project. Find people with complementary skills.4. Find and learn about your idea: To do this, it is essential to investigate successful companies that move in the industry in which you are interested in. Please review its origin and history and analyse its performance. You can learn a lot from them.5. Design your business. Use the data you got from the previous step and complement it with new ideas. Create a profitable model making clear what will be done in your business; how, with whom, for whom, and what resources they will use, etc.6. Make your budget: Now you know how your business works, you will know what needs to go. Now make your budget so you know how much money you need to put the idea in motion. Do not forget the details and get in touch with experts like Your Virtual Office London for more advice.7. Looking for funding: If you do not have enough money to start, look for ways to find it. While this is not so simple, you can choose to seek financing companies, government support programs, campaigns, investors, etc.8. Design a marketing plan: At this point you already have almost everything to start your business successfully. You just need to create your marketing strategy with which you can then promote it. Use different media, online and offline, and focus much of your energy on this.

Key elements to start a successful business:

With the above given steps you can create and secure your venture going on the right track. In any case you should be clear that there are three key elements that you must have to succeed: These are vision, patience and perseverance. It is these that tell you to get where you want and give you strength to do so.

August 29, 2014
May 5, 2021


6 accounting tips for new companies

Every business needs to know and understand successful accounting principles. Here are six business accounting tips for new business owners to follow.

Every business needs to know and understand successful accounting principles. Business accounting represents the intelligent and logical transactions and resources of a company. You need to be aware of some important accounting tips to help new companies.

Here are some recommendations that are linked to this fundamental discipline for the company.

1) The accounting is the main tool for the control of management. Keep hold of all accounting records for the company business. It aims to be a true reflection of the reality of a company.2) You can not do business if the basics of accounting are not known. Large corporate losses are caused by accounting distortions.3) Accounting is directly linked to the business; it reflects the business. It isn`t all just about numbers, though they need to be very well kept. Numbers must corroborate with that of the marketing strategies and tactics.4) No indiscretions on the accounting numbers. If accounting is the basis for the reality of their business and control its management, any falsehoods will lead to wrong decisions. Financial institutions are specialists in measuring risk and targeting unrealistic figures.5) It should avoid crossings with the accounting subsidies between companies of the same group and/or shareholders. Loans to shareholders should be very limited and carefully followed. It is vital that the shareholder is disciplined and "takes care of" your company, whilst avoiding mixing the petty cash in your own pocket. This is key to successful long-term.6) The accounts must be evaluated over time and by the industry. Compare data over several years and this will identify positive and negative trends of the business and print a dynamic assessment.Finally, keep in mind that the structure of industrial accounting is very different to that of a company, for example, in retail sales or services. For this reason, it is good to compare the financial statements of companies in the same sector and who are leading companies as well.Speak to our business accountant today, they specialise in small and new business start ups.

August 28, 2014
May 5, 2021


Tips To Keep Records For Your Business

When you keep records for your business, do not complicate things. The simpler your records are, the less likely you are to make mistakes and confusions.

Follow these tips to keep records of your business:

  • Do not complicate things. The simpler your records are, the less likely you are to make mistakes. It also decreases the time it takes to update your data.
  • Update your data frequently. Be sure to update your records regularly so you will not miss anything.
  • Do not forget the details. Include specific details about your business. It is important to keep track of all your business operations, even for small businesses.

Include the following in your system for keeping records of your business:

  • A business checking account to keep track of your business transactions.
  • Your monthly income or how much you earn each month.
  • Your monthly expenses. Record how you spend money every month.
  • The inventory. It's important to keep a record with the value of stock, including all products and supplies.
  • Keep tabs on your assets (depreciation schedule). Over time, your assets will be depreciated. You must keep track of changes in value.
  • Control of income (income statement). This will help you calculate your gain or loss for a specified period. Learn how to prepare statements.
  • Cash flow. Keep track of the ins and outs of cash to manage their finances.
  • Balance sheet. This is important to calculate the net worth of your company.

Locate personal information in your business by talking to the sales staff, human resources, accounting and external service providers. This way you can get a complete overview. Each type of information has different types of risks.Pay particular attention to records of personally identifiable information: Security numbers, credit card information and general financial and other sensitive data. These are most commonly used by thieves to commit fraud or identity theft incurring data.If you found this blog helpful you can read more business tips and advice articles in our help section.

August 28, 2014
May 5, 2021


Plan for your new business

When talking about economic issues, one of the main problems in starting a new business is financial planning. Find out how to properly manage your resources.

When talking about economic issues, one of the main problems in small businesses is financial planning. Knowing how to properly manage your resources and prepare for an emergency fund through hard times is key. It happens with many companies, when they start to go well forget to plan and lose sight of the risks encountered, especially in times like these when the economy is so volatile.

Here are some recommendations to make good use of your resources.

1 - Stick to a plan. Whenever you need to have a budget of income and expenses (outflows) for your business, it`s important to stick to your financial decisions. Inflation and exchange rate are indicators that will help to project clearly how your money is moving.2 - Know your territory. A good way to gain more knowledge on how to better manage money is to analyse some data on the sector in which you operate. Find out how much your sales activity decreased in the past and what the worst months were?3 - Clear accounts. Keep a daily record of your income and expenses. That flow of inputs and outputs is the basis for creating your strategy for administration. It allows you to plan your payments and, in turn, define your balance, i.e. what are the immediate debts and how much capital you have available to pay them off.However, there are other ideas that you can consider to multiply your resources, as long as you have made an assessment of what it means to start growing your business with a loan:- If it is a high-tech company you can turn to venture capital or angel investors.- If you have had a loan on microfinance, then there is the alternative of returning it to them, ensuring that the new line of business represents good yields.Your Virtual Office London can help your new business take off. We provide a range of services for the start up entrepreneur, from a mail forwarding address and telephone answering through to company formations services including a central office location and company incorporation. Our services and products have been designed to give you an edge of the competition.We understand when starting a new venture keeping overheads to a minimum is crucial if you are to really give success a good shot; that is why all Your Virtual Office London products have been made exceptionally affordable without lacking quality. We are proud of our service and have been helping thousands of businesses progress to become successful organisations.

August 28, 2014
May 5, 2021


3 key financial rules for a new start up

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, there are three key financial rules to take better control of your new business finances and accounting.

It is a somewhat chastening fact that when you begin to realise how difficult it is to own a business, you must focus not only on the core business of the company but also towards those the financial rules.For most people, the word accounting can generate fear or concern and this feeling is probably stronger in the case of young entrepreneurs. Bad accounting in the short term cannot affect your business and you can, in time, correct the flaws. However, in the long run, you can risk being audited and lose control of the company, which would potentially result in large losses of money.According to Entrepreneur Magazine, to prevent this from happening, there are three unspoken rules to take better control of your new business` finances and accounting:

Start on the right foot:

In the same way you check your emails every day or do an inventory every week, start the same habits in the accounting of your business. Set yourself up notices or memos on a calendar monthly, or at least once a month, the frequency will depend on you. This way, the routine will become engrained and the finances will remain stable at all times.

Learn the accounting language:

Sometimes the biggest obstacle is the accounting terminology. This is because when we hear words like chart of accounts, more passive, active workbook; it`s easy to not understand completely. In these cases it is advisable to take some time to understand accounting basics and for this, the internet can be a very useful tool.

Rate good advice:

The chances are, if you spend a lot of time trying to find an error in your accounting, you will eventually find the solution. The reality is though, that you have a business to run and there is a degree of urgency about the declaration of taxes you must do both monthly and annually. There`s no need to worry though, there are many resources out there to help, such as those at Capital Office.Ultimately, the business of accounting is not as scary as you might think and can be more fun than it sounds. After all, it is what allows us to see the growth of our business.

Your Virtual Office London

If are thinking about starting a business, or if you have already taken the leap from idea to reality why don't you speak to an accountant? We have qualified accountants who are experienced in working with small and start up business. They are happy to help explain the requirements needed when you start a business, information is power and we can help get your business functioning correctly for a long and prosperous future.

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